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  • Karakteristik Nano Kolagen dari Kulit Ikan Gabus (Channa striata) | Wulandari | Jurnal FishtecH

    Karakteristik Nano Kolagen dari Kulit Ikan Gabus (Channa striata)

    Wulandari Wulandari, Pipih Suptijah, Kustiariyah Tarman, Yulia Oktavia, Afriani Afriani, Hasanah Hasanah, M. Hariski Hariski, Rahma Dini Arbajayanti


    Particle size is an important factor in determining the effectiveness of collagen use in biomedical and cosmetic fields. This study aims to determine the characteristics of nanocollagen from snakehead fish skin (Channa striata). This study consists of two stages, namely the manufacture of nanocollagen and characterization of nanocollagen. This study consists of two stages, namely the manufacture of collagen and measurement of the size of collagen nanoparticles. The data obtained are then displayed in the form of images and tables and then described. Based on the results of the study, nanocollagen sized at a temperature of 4oC for 1 hour has a larger particle size of 759.89 nm but the smallest polydispersity index value is 0.1030 compared to nanocollagen made at a temperature of 28oC (room temperature) and a temperature of 40oC. Sizing nanocollagen with a temperature treatment of 40oC for 1 hour produces the smallest Z-average of 253.49 nm with a polydispersity index value of 0.3380.


    collagen, nanocollagen, snakehead fish skin

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    DOI: https://doi.org/10.36706/fishtech.v13i1.23645


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