Niendhita Dwi Nurmalasari, Saeful Karim, Ika Mustika Sari


Scientific reasoning is one of the 21st century skills that are expected to be developed in learning which is used as an effort in physics to help understand concepts to explain phenomena that occur in  nature with product of physics. However, based on observation results show that scientific reasoning has not been trained optimally in learning to support understanding of concepts. One of the way to train scientific reasoning in learning are using learning cycle 7E with HACL strategy. The aim of this study to look the effect of using learning cycle 7E with HACL strategy on scientific reasoning and Conceptual Understanding of Momentum and Impuls on high school student. The research method used was Quasi Experimental design with the Randomized Control Group Pretest-Posttest. Participants involved in this study amounted to 60 students of class X IPA at high schools in Cimahi. In this study two classes were uses as the control class dan the experimental class. The instruments used consisted of 16 multiple choice question to measure 15 aspect of scienctific reasoning, and 19 multiple choice question to measure 7 indicator of conceptual understanding. The result show that the improvement of scientific reasoning skills and conceptual understanding in the class using HACL-grouping was higher than the class using FCL-grouping. Overall student of experiment class provide pretty good attitude towards learning physics with learning cycle 7E with HACL strategy.


Scientific Reasoning, Conceptual Understanding, Learning Cycle Models 7e, Heterogeneous Ability-Cooperative Learning

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