Afriza wati


The aims of local autonomy is to achieve local independence funding, so
that the areas can organize themselves without any central government
interference. The direct implications for the implementation of the above
is needed great for adequate funding. Local government's main funding
source, comes from the PAD, which is used to finance expenditures and
development. But in some of the current year funding sources not only
from the PAD. Local governments also get help from central government
transfers such as Equalization Fund in this case is Block Grant Aid
(DAU). In the course of the central government transfers actually
become a disincentive for increased regional funding. Regions become
more dependent on central government transfers rather than optimize
their own revenues (PAD). There are has indications of asymmetric
behavior in response to the transfer of central government.
This research has the objective to provide empirical evidence or did not
happen flypaper effect in the Block Grant Aid and the Regional Real
Income to Regional Expenditure district/city in South Sumatra. The
analyzed data obtained from the reports of the Real Budget and Regional
Income. The results show that the coefficient of DAU and the coefficient
of PAD when tested simultaneously (simultaneous) has effect on regional
expenditure. However, when tested separately (partial) results indicate
that coefficient of DAU is greater than coefficient of PAD, it means there
is flypaper effect in the Expenditure Area district/ city in South Sumatra.
These results are only based on statistical tests and can not be used to
measure of the performance of local governments at district / city in
South Sumatra, as it still needs testing through next research.
Keywords: flypaper effect, Block Grant Aid, Regional Real Income, Regional

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Kajian Ekonomi

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya

Jalan Srijaya Negara Bukit Besar Palembang, 30139

ISSN : 1693-0436


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