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    Kismiantini Kismiantini, Ezra Putranda Setiawan, Adi Cilik Pierewan, Osval Antonio Montesinos-Lopez


    Shifting students to a growth mindset can increase their achievements. Nevertheless, only a few studies have been conducted on this topic in developing countries. This study aims to examine the relationship between growth mindset, school context, and mathematics achievement in Indonesia. Using a multilevel model on the PISA 2018 data, this study explored the variables that contributed to mathematics achievement. The multilevel analysis showed that students’ gender, growth mindset, index of economic social, and cultural status were statistically significant predictors of students’ mathematics achievement. Girls have been reported to have a higher mathematics achievement than boys in Indonesia. As the students’ growth mindset increases, so do their mathematics achievement.


    PISA 2018; Mathematics; Multilevel; Growth Mindset

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    Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education
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