Analisis Erosi Pada SubDAS Lematang Hulu

Usna Fahliza, Dinar Dwi Anugerah P, Sarino .


At upland areas erosion often occurwhich is caused by soil erosion due to rainfall kinetic energy and other influences such as  sensitivity of soil erosion , land use , length and slope of river. The purpose of this study is to calculate the erosivity index and determine the amount of erosion in the sub watershed Lematang Hulu , which is a hilly area in South Sumatra.

In this study, the model RUSLE ( Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation ) was used to estimate the amount of erosion  caused by kinetic energy that work on the area.

The results show the maximum erosion is 5904.146 Tons/Ha/Year,the minimum erosion is 4.168 Tons/Ha/Year, while the average erosion is 2904.157 Tons/Ha/Year. In general, the average erosion rate in the study area is 4,168 Tons/ Ha/Year.

Keywords: erosion, RUSLE, erosivity index

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ISSN: 2355-374X

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Jurusan Teknik Sipil
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya

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