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  • Immunology Aspects in Tension-Type Headache Chronicity | Susanti | Biomedical Journal of Indonesia

    Immunology Aspects in Tension-Type Headache Chronicity

    Restu Susanti


    Tension-Type Headache (TTH) headache is a type of primary headache which mostly complained by patients. The pain often ignored due to low mortality rates. Inadequate management makes the pain becoming chronic and causing a high disability rate. Many factors involved in transforming infrequent tension-type headache to chronic tension-type headache. A deeper understanding of the immune system's role in the pathophysiological process and modulation of chronic pain could be a potential target for developing therapies in managing chronic pain.

    Keywords: chronic tension-type headache, immunology aspect, pathophysiology


    chronic tension-type headache, immunology aspect, pathophysiology

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    DOI: https://doi.org/10.32539/bji.v6i2.11764


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