Characteristics of Indicator Film Label from Black Rice Extract in Changes in Color, pH, and Organoleptic Mackerel

Deli Silvia, Fawaz Rifqi Ramadhan, Saeful Imam


Mackerel's disadvantage is that it degrades too rapidly because of improper packaging and storage, which promotes the growth of germs in the meat. The aim of this study was to lessen the impacts of mackerel decomposing by using indicator film labels derived from black rice extract. Indicator film labels with variations of 3%, 6%, 9%, and 12% are tested at chiller temperatures over eight days, with tests conducted every two days, in this study. Using a pH meter to measure the mackerel's meat solution during the test period, as well as evaluating the colour change in fluctuations in the concentration of the film labels on the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth days, were the methods used to carry out the testing phase. The colour of the indicator film labels changes from purple to brown at the 6% indicator label, indicating a significant colour change, according to the colour change test findings acquired using ImageJ software by calculating the mean RGB value of the fluctuation in the concentration of the indicator film labels. Although the mackerel pH test findings indicated that the fish's pH had dropped each day it was examined, from an initial pH of 6.69 on the second day to a pH of 5.68 on the eighth. This occurred because the fish's pH dropped as a result of lactic acid building up in the fish during the test. The organoleptic test results indicated that while the freshness of the fish could still be tolerated on the second and fourth days because it was above the seventh sensory limit, it was no longer possible on the sixth and eighth days because the organoleptic value had already fallen below the seventh sensory limit for all parameters related to mucus, aroma, and texture


Mackerel, indicator film label, colour change, pH, orgnaoleptic

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