Microstructure and Protein Network Study of Pempek Palembang Based on The SEM Image

Agus Supriadi, Daniel Saputra, Gatot Priyanto, Sherly Sherly Ridhowati1, Siti Hanggita Rachmawati, Puspa Ayu Pitayati


The standardised and quality-oriented technical process for the production of pempek is determined by various components. One of the quality components is determined by the protein to carbohydrate ratio of the ground fish meat used to make Pempek. The ratio of protein to carbohydrates determines the quality of the taste and especially the texture of the Pempek. One method of measuring the flavour quality of Pempek is to examine the microstructure and protein network of Pempek. The study of the microstructure and protein network of Pempek is important for understanding the relationship between the composition, processing and final properties of Pempek. This study provides quantitative data on microstructure to develop a high quality Pempek. Microstructure and protein network studies can be performed by visual analysis of SEM (scanning electron microscopy) images. The study shows that there are three forms of surface morphology of pempek: a sponge (hole), a fracture (fractal) and a mixture of sponge and fracture. The structure of the sponge, the fractal and the mixture of sponge and fracture form different surface roughnesses. Protein network analysis shows that pempek with hole contours has a vascular area, a lower total number of protein linkages and a higher endpoint than pempek with fractal contours and mixed contours. The morphological formation structure of Pempek was influenced by the protein to carbohydrate ratio and the homogeneity of the composite during the Pempek kneading process.


Pempek; SEM; Microstructure; Protein Network; Palembang

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36706/fishtech.v12i2.23123


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