Focus and Scope
Jurnal ini dibuat dan dikembangkan khusus untuk menampung hasil karya ilmiah mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Unsri. Setiap Artikel yang masuk akan direview oleh tim reviewer.
Kajian pokok jurnal ini berkaitan dengan ilmu teknik, terutama:
- Sipil
- Pertambangan
- Kimia
- Elektro
- Mesin
- Arsitektur
- Geologi
Section Policies
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Peer Review Process
All SITE journal manuscripts are peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers, and usually three reviewers, of the journal's international Editorial Review Board of experts in fields specifically matching the journal topics. Papers are reviewed, double-blind, in full publishable form; no journal manuscripts are accepted based only upon submission of an abstract. Reviewers are required to provide the author with comments intended to improve the content, style, and other issues which should improve the quality of the article.
Jurnal Ilmu Teknik
Jurnal Ilmu Teknik merupakan jurnal online berisi karya ilmiah mahasiswa teknik.