Alita Adiwarna, Kartini Kartini, Erita Istriana




Kasus gangguan mental di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dan berdampak pada penurunan produktivitas manusia. Salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi kesehatan mental dalam tahap perkembangan manusia adalah bagaimana orientasi seksualnya. Penelitian terdahulu mengungkapkan bahwa orang dewasa dengan orientasi seksual abnormal memiliki kesejahteraan mental yang terganggu namun penelitian lainnya menunjukkan laki-laki aseksual memiliki mental yang sejahtera. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai hubungan orientasi seksual dan kesehatan mental pada laki-laki berusia 20 -25 tahun. Desain penelitian observatif analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional, sebanyak 119 subjek laki – laki berusia 20-25 tahun berlokasi di salah satu restoran dan bar di wilayah Jakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel non-random dengan metode consecutive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala Kinsey (orientasi seksual heteroseksual-homoseksual) dan skala kesehatan mental. Data dianalisis dengan uji Chi-square dan tingkat kemaknaan p<0.05. Sebanyak 55.5% subjek laki-laki berusia 23-25 tahun, 82.4% berstatus bekerja, 65.6% memiliki keluarga tiri/tunggal. Sebanyak 60.5% subjek dengan orientasi seksual abnormal dan 63.9% kesehatan mentalnya terganggu. Uji Chi-Square untuk menilai hubungan orientasi seksual dan kesehatan mental menunjukkan nilai p=0.00 sehingga disimpulkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara orientasi seksual dan kesehatan mental laki-laki berusia 20-25 tahun di salah satu bar di Jakarta.


Kata kunci: Kesehatan mental, laki-laki, orientasi seksual.




Sexual orientation was associated with mental health in men aged 20-25 years in a bar in Jakarta


Cases of mental disorders in Indonesia have increased and had an impact on decreasing human productivity. One of the factors that influences mental health at this stage of human development is sexual orientation. Previous studies had revealed that adults with abnormal sexual orientation have impaired mental well-being, but other studies had shown asexual men to be mentally well. This study aimed to assess the relationship between sexual orientation and mental health in men aged 20-25 years. Analytical observation research design with a cross-sectional approach: as many as 119 male subjects aged 20-25 years were located in one of the restaurants and bars in the Jakarta area. A non-random sampling technique with consecutive sampling methods had been used for sample collection. Data were collected using the Kinsey scale (heterosexual-homosexual sexual orientation) and the mental health scale. The data were analyzed with the Chi-square test and a significant level of p<0.05. 55.5% of male subjects between the ages of 23 and 25, 82.4% were employed, and 65.6% had a step/single family. As many as 60.5% of subjects have an abnormal sexual orientation, and 63.9% have impaired mental health. The Chi-Square test to assess the association between sexual orientation and mental health showed a value of p=0.00. It was concluded that there was a significant association between sexual orientation and mental health in men aged 20 to 25 in a bar in Jakarta.


Keywords: Mental health, men, sexual orientation



kesehatan; laki – laki; mental; orientasi, seksual

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32539/JKK.V10I3.22082


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