Melisa Lestari


This study aims to determine the self-efficacy of BK teachers in implementing group counseling with a reality approach at Indralaya Middle School, Ogan Ilir Regency. This research method uses descriptive quantitative, the subject of this research is 20 BK teachers, namely the MGBK SMP/MTS group in Indralaya, Ogan Ilir Regency who participated in training in community service activities carried out by Guidance and Counseling Study Program Lecturers. The data was taken using a self-efficacy questionnaire distributed via google form. Data were analyzed using percentages. The results of this study indicate that in general, self-efficacy in implementing group counseling with a reality approach to BK teachers is included in the medium category, which tends to be high, there are 12 teachers (60%). Meanwhile, there are 5 teachers in the high category (25%), and there are 3 teachers in the low category (15%). While the results of the research specifically on the dimensions of self-efficacy of BK teachers on the dimension of difficulty level (level) there are 12 teachers (60%) with a moderate category tending to be high, in addition to 4 teachers with a high category (20%), then there are 4 teachers (20%) ), then on the strength dimension there are 5 teachers (25%) in the high category, there are 12 teachers (60%) in the moderate category tending to high, and there are 3 teachers (15%) in the low category. And then on the generalization dimension, there are 4 teachers (20%) in the high category, there are 11 teachers (55%) in the moderate category tending to be high, and there are 5 teachers (25%) in the low category.


Self-Efficacy, Group Counseling, Reality Approach

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36706/jkk.v9i1.16758


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