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    Devy Stany Walukow, Jossapat Hendra Prijanto



    The Service Learning approach is one of the methods in the learning process for Civics Education courses at Pelita Harapan University, responding to challenges as general, boring, and monotonous teaching methods. The motto of Service Learning at UPH is “100 percent serve and 100 percent learn”.This approach aims to be able to form the personality of the younger generation who are able to manage emotions, can work in a work team, and have an honorable identity. In addition, it has invited the community to take an active role in the world of education. All these processes can be done via virtual. Through reciprocal and routine communication between students, lecturers, partners, and online services are able to turn on a new atmosphere in the learning process during the learn of home period. In the new normal era, the Service Learning approach is very helpful in increasing the enthusiasm for student learning due to drastic changes in the way of life that must only learn from home via virtually. Students are very enthusiastic about their work and feel proud because they can help the community during the covid 19 pandemic. Service Learning activities are actualized in the form of videos and make self-reflection. Through self-reflection, students express their joy and pride about what they are doing in the new normal.
    Keywords: The Service Learning approach, Video, Self Reflection


    Pendekatan Service Learning menjadi salah satu metode dalam proses pembelajaran  mata kuliah Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di Universitas Pelita Harapan, menjawab tantangan sebagai mata kuliah umum, membosankan, dan metode mengajar yang monoton. Moto Service Learning di UPH adalah “100 persen serve dan 100 persen learn”.  Pendekatan ini bertujuan membentuk pribadi generasi muda yang mampu menyelesaikan masalah, menata emosi, bisa bekerja dalam sebuah tim kerja, dan memiliki kehormatan identitas.  Selain itu mengajak masyarakat ikut serta berperan aktif dalam dunia pendidikan. Mahasiswa aktif bekerja dalam kelompok, meskipun berbentuk virtual. Melalui komunikasi timbal balik dan rutin antar mahasiswa, mahasiswa dengan dosen dan mitra, serta mencari jasa layanan online seperti penjualan online dan serta grab atau gojek mampu menghidupkan suasana baru dalam proses pembelajaran di masa  “learn of home”. Di era new normal, pendekatan Service Learning sangat membantu menambah semangat belajar mahasiswa akibat perubahan drastis cara hidup yang harus belajar dari rumah secara “virtual” saja. Melalui projek Service Learning, mahasiswa sangat antusias berkarya dan merasa bangga karena dapat membantu masyarakat di masa pandemi covid 19. Kegiatan Service Learning diaktualkan dalam bentuk video dan membuat refleksi diri. Melalui refleksi diri, mahasiswa menuangkan kegembiraan dan kebanggaan tentang apa yang dilakukan di masa new normal.

    Kata Kunci : pendekatan, service learning, video, refleksi


    service, learning, video, refleksi

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    DOI: https://doi.org/10.36706/jbti.v8i2.15745


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    Universitas Sriwijaya in Collaboration with AP3Kni (Asosiasi Profesi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia/Indonesia Association Profession of Pancasila and Civic Education)

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