Pengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Tanin dari Biji Sorgum terhadap Produksi Gas dan Metana secara In Vitro

A abrar, A Fariani


Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas kecernaan, produksi gas dan metana setelah mengalami penambahan tepung biji sorgum dan esktrak tanin dari tepung biji sorgum (TBS) pada pakan ternak sapi secara in vitro. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 jenis perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan yaitu P0 = Rumput gajah (kontrol), P1=Rumput gajah + 0,15% TBS,dan P2=Rumput gajah + 0,15% ekstrak tanin dari TBS. Variabel yang diukur dan diamati meliputi kecernaan bahan kering, konsentrasi N-Amonia, VFA, produksi gas kumulatif dan gas metana bruto (CH4). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan tepung biji sorgum dan ekstrak tanin dari tepung biji sorgum terhadap kecernaan bahan kering, VFA total, dan produksi gas metan tidak berbeda nyata jika dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya. Namun, berbeda nyata terhadap konsentrasi N-Amonia dan produksi gas kumulatif jika dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan dengan penambahan tepung biji sorgum dan ekstrak taninnya mampu menurunkan produksi gas kumulatif serta mempertahankan kualitas kecernaan namun belum mampu menurunkan emisi metana.

Kata kunci : Ekstrak tanin, biji sorgum, produksi gas, metan, in vitro.


The study aimed to determine the quality of digestibility, gas and methane production after experiencing addition of sorghum seed flour and tannin extract from sorghum seed flour (FFB) in cattle feed in vitro. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 types of treatment with 4 replications, P0 = Elephant grass (control), P1 = Elephant grass + 0.15% TBS, and P2 = Elephant grass + 0.15% tannin extract from FFB. The measured and observed variables included dry matter digestibility, N-Ammonia concentration, VFA, cumulative gas production and gross methane gas (CH4). The results showed that the addition of sorghum seed flour and tannin extract from sorghum seed flour to dry matter digestibility, total VFA, and methane gas production were not significantly different when compared with other treatments. However, it was significantly different from N-Ammonia concentration and cumulative gas production when compared to other treatments. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the treatment with the addition of sorghum seed flour and tannin extract is able to reduce cumulative gas production and maintain digestive quality but has not been able to reduce methane emissions.

Key words: Beef, black tea, marinade, papaya, pineapple

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