Upaya Peningkatan Produktivitas Itik Petelur Secara Intensif dan Pemberian Pakan Berbahan Lokal di Maluku

P R Matitaputty, H bansi


Tujuan pengkajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui performa itik yang dipelihara secara intensif dan pemberian pakan berbahan lokal. Analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan membandingkan pola petani dan pola perbaikan. Jumlah ternak itik yang digunakan sebanyak 100 ekor dimana masing-masing perlakuan 50 ekor. Kandang dibuat untuk masing-masing perlakuan terdiri atas 10 petakan, dan tiap petakan diisi 5 ekor itik. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa bobot badan, umur pertama bertelur, bobot telur pertama, indeks telur dan produksi telur. Hasil kajian diperoleh umur pertama bertelur itik pola petani sekitar 210 hari, pola perbaikan 187 hari; bobot badan indukan pertama bertelur pola petani 1459,45 g, pola perbaikan 1403,17g; bobot telur pertama pola petani 42,00g, pola perbaikan 44,57g. Untuk produksi telur pola perbaikan sebanyak 3692 butir sedangkan untuk pola petani sekitar 946 butir. Hasil penilaian indeks telur pada pola perbaikan indeks telur 76,66%, dan pola petani 77,51%. Simpulan yang diperoleh bahwa Pemeliraan secara intensif  diikuti dengan pemberian pakan berbahan local yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mampu  meningkatkan produktivitas itik petelur local di Maluku. 

Kata Kunci: Itik lokal, Produktivitas, Pemeliharaan, Pakan

The purpose of this study is to determine the performance of ducks that are intensively maintained and the provision of locally based feed. The analysis uses descriptive analysis by comparing farmers' patterns and patterns of improvement. The number of ducks used was 100 where each treatment was 50 tails. Cages were made for each treatment consisting of 10 plots, and each plot was filled with 5 ducks. Data collected in the form of body weight, egg laying age, first egg weight, egg index and egg production. The results of the study showed that the first age of farmer duck egg laying was around 210 days, improvement pattern was 187 days, first broodstock body weight laying farmers pattern 1459.45 g, improvement pattern 1403.17 g; first egg weight of farmer pattern 42.00g, improvement pattern 44.57g. For egg production, the improvement pattern was 3692 items, while for the farmers pattern it was around 946 items. The results of the egg index assessment on the pattern of improvement in the egg index were 76.66%, and the pattern of farmers was 77.51%. The conclusions obtained were that the estimation was intensively followed by the provision of locally based feed according to the need to be able to increase the productivity of local laying ducks in Maluku.


Keywords: Local ducks, Productivity, Maintenance, Feed

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33230/JPS.7.2.2018.7467


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