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    Hermansyah .(1*)
    (1) Guru SMA N 3 Palembang
    (*) Corresponding Author
    DOI : 10.36706/jp.v2i1.5529


    Abstract: The experiment was conducted at 122 public and private schools in Palembang, totally consisting of 267 teachers  classified according to the school accreditation, namely; A, B, and C. The measuring of teachers’ performance concept used here refers to the opinion introduced by Moorhead, namely; dimensions of quality, quantity, cooperation, innovation,   and self-standing. The test-result on regression showed that partially, motivation, commitment, and competence affect the teachers performance  with a correlation coefficient of 0.701. Simultaneously, motivation variable, commitment, and competence have an influence on the teachers performance  with a correlation coefficient of 0,911. Variables of  commitment and competence are very much correlated to the teachers’ performance with a coefficient of 0.818 and 0.810. The very dominant influencing contribution of free variables is commitment. This is shown by the contribution of commitment variable of 66.91%, meaning that the commitment variable plays its role very dominantly compared with other free variables.

    Abstrak: Penelitian di lakukan pada 122 sekolah negeri dan swasta di Palembang dengan jumlah guru 267 orang yang diklasifikasikan berdasarkan akreditasi sekolah, yaitu  A, B, dan  C. Pengukuran konsep kinerja guru yang digunakan mengacu pada pendapat Moorhead, yaitu; dimensi kualitas (quality), kuantitas (quantity), kerjasama (teamwork), inovasi (innovation) dan kemandirian (independence). Hasil pengujian regresi menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial variabel motivasi, komitmen dan kompetensi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja guru. dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,701. Secara simultan variabel motivasi, komitmen, dan kompetensi berpengaruh signifikasi terhadap kinerja guru dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,911.Variabel komitmen dan variabel kompetensi berkorelasi  sangat kuat terhadap kinerja guru, dengan nilai koefisien sebesar 0,818 dan 0,810. Kontribusi variabel bebas yang berpengaruh paling besar adalah komitmen. Hal ini ditunjukkan besarnya kontribusi variabel komitmen sebesar 66,91%, artinya variabel komitmen berpengaruh sangat dominan dibandingkan dengan variabel bebas lainnya.


    motivasi, komitmen, kompetensi, dan kinerja guru


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