Jurnal FishtecH

Jurnal FishtecH, E-ISSN 2656-1913 and P-ISSN 2302-6936 is a journal reporting scientific works in the form of research, literature studies, application of theory and critical reviews related to fisheries processing technology. 

Jurnal FishtecH has been published since 2012 by the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI).

Jurnal FishtecH has been accredited by SINTA 4 based on the Decree of the Director-General of Research and Development, Ministry of Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia regarding the accreditation ranking of scientific journals.

Jurnal FishtecH has been published twice a year, May and November, and indexed by the SINTA, Google Scholar, Garuda, Dimensions, PKP Index, BASE, Scilit, Neliti, and Crossref.

Jurnal FishtecH accepts English Articles and Bahasa Indonesia within the focus and scope of this journal are food processing, waste technology, food and environmental safety, chemistry and biochemistry, microbiology and biotechnology, engineering and mechanization, sociology and economics, industry management of marine and fishery products.

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We invite you to submit your paper to Jurnal FishtecH, Papers submission deadlines:

Vol. 12 No. 1 (May 2023), submission deadline: 15 March 2023

Vol. 12 No. 2 (November 2023), submission deadline: 15 September 2023

Posted: 2022-12-17
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Vol 13, No 1 (2024)

Table of Contents


Ginanjar Pratama, Erik Munandar, Rini Yanuarti, Aris Munandar
10.36706/fishtech.v13i1.23448 Views of Abstract: 10 | PDF: 6
Hasmini Hasmini, Reni Tri Cahyani
10.36706/fishtech.v13i1.23284 Views of Abstract: 2 | PDF: 2