Herwin Mopangga(1*), Idris Niode(2)
(1) Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
(2) Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.36706/jp.v4i2.5584


Abstract: Maize and fish are excellent commodities of Gorontalo with abundant production and potential but relatively little contribution to the expansion of employment opportunities and community income. Lack of technological intervention makes them more often sold raw commodity without processing.Stick fish corn is a local product that tends to increase demand and market share. The number of IKM producers of corn sticks in the city of Gorontalo is relatively small compared to the production, potential and demand of products in local and national markets. Thanks to the efforts and innovations of SMEs partners, the constraints on quality, permissions, halal, packaging, production space, labor, financial administration administration until promotion and sales began to be overcome so that production and marketing continues to increase and expand to serve the demand from a number of major cities in Indonesia . Strategic partnerships between government, banking, non-governmental organizations,SME groups and more intensive and integrated universities are expected to improve quality and competitiveness so as to accelerate products through export markets. IKM stick management methods of fish maize generally relate to aspects of product quality, labor, capital, technology and marketing

Abstrak: Jagung dan ikan adalah komoditas unggulan Gorontalo yang melimpah produksi dan potensinya tetapirelatif minim kontribusinya bagi perluasan kesempatan kerja dan pendapatan masyarakat.Kurangnya intervensi teknologi membuat keduanya lebih seringdijual raw commodity tanpa proses pengolahan.Stick jagung ikan merupakan produk lokal yangcenderung meningkat permintaan dan pangsa pasar.Jumlah IKM produsen stick jagung ikan di Kota Gorontalo relatif kecil dibandingkan produksi, potensi serta permintaan produk di pasar lokal dan nasional. Berkat upaya dan inovasi IKM mitra maka kendala pada mutu, perizinan, kehalalan, kemasan, ruang produksi, tenaga kerja, penataan administrasi keuangan hingga promosi dan penjualan mulai dapat diatasi sehingga produksi dan pemasaran terus meningkat dan meluas hingga melayani permintaan dari sejumlah kota besar di Indonesia. Kemitraan strategis pemerintah, perbankan, lembaga swadaya masyarakat, kelompok IKM serta perguruan tinggiyang lebih intensif dan terintegrasi diharapkanterus meningkatkan mutu dan daya saing sehingga mengakselerasi produkmenembuspasar ekspor.Metode manajemen IKM stick jagung ikan umumnya terkait aspek mutu produk, tenaga kerja, permodalan, teknologi dan pemasaran


jagung ikan, Produksi, Pemasaran, Ekspor, Gorontalo


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