Aurora Fernández-León, José María Gavilán-Izquierdo, Rocío Toscano


This paper studies how four primary-school in-service teachers develop the mathematical practices of conjecturing and proving. From the consideration of professional development as the legitimate peripheral participation in communities of practice, these teachers’ mathematical practices have been characterised by using a theoretical framework (consisting of categories of activities) that describes and explains how a research mathematician develops these two mathematical practices. This research has adopted a qualitative methodology and, in particular, a case study methodological approach. Data was collected in a working session on professional development while the four participants discussed two questions that invoked the development of the mathematical practices of conjecturing and proving. The results of this study show the significant presence of informal activities when the four participants conjecture, while few informal activities have been observed when they strive to prove a result. In addition, the use of examples (an informal activity) differs in the two practices, since examples support the conjecturing process but constitute obstacles for the proving process. Finally, the findings are contrasted with other related studies and several suggestions are presented that may be derived from this work to enhance professional development.


conjecturing; proving; primary-school in-service teachers; professional development; research mathematicians

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