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    Muhtarom Muhtarom, Dwi Juniati, Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono


    Beliefs and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) are two factors influencing teaching practice in the classroom. This research aims to describe the beliefs and PCK of the prospective mathematics teachers and the relationship between the two factors on the teaching practices in the mathematics classroom. Participant in this research includes a prospective teacher who has taken a micro teaching subject and has good communication skill. Data were collected through interview and video analysis on the teaching practice in the classroom. The data obtained were coded, simplified, presented, and triangulated for the credibility and concluded. The result of the research shows that the prospective teachers who hold a constructivist belief view mathematics as a dynamic knowledge which evolves and is regarded as the space of creation for humans. Their beliefs on the nature of mathematics support the belief in the teaching-learning process in mathematics classrooms. Furthermore, a good understanding of the prospective teachers have on the components of the PCK has been sufficient, which can be identified in every step of practical activities in the classroom. More elaboration on the relationship between the belief and PCK is presented in this research.


    Beliefs; Pedagogical Content Knowledge; Teaching Practice

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