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    Roslinda Rosli, Dianne Goldsby, Mary Margaret Capraro, Anthony J Onwuegbuzie, Robert M Capraro, Elsa Gonzalez Y Gonzalez


    Previous research has shown knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes are essential factors during mathematics classroom instruction. The current study examined the effects of a 3-week fraction instructional unit using concrete models, problem-solving, and problem-posing to improve elementary preservice teachers’ knowledge, perceptions and attitudes towards fractions. A quasi-experiment design was implemented to gather data via closed-ended, open-ended, and essay tasks from a convenience sampling of 71 female elementary preservice teachers during pre- and post-assessments. The study discovered that the select preservice teachers were weak in the content knowledge specifically on unit-whole, part-whole, equivalent area, arithmetic operations, and ordering fractional values. In contrast, the incorporation of concrete models, problem-solving and problem-posing was effective in improving the preservice teachers’ level of pedagogical content knowledge, perceptions and attitudes towards fractions. Implications of the results and suggestions are discussed.


    Elementary School; Problem Posing; Teacher Preparation Program; Preservice Teachers; Mixed Methods

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    Journal on Mathematics Education
    Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education
    Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sriwijaya
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