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    Rohana Rohana, Yunika Lestaria Ningsih


    The role of statistics is wide and crucial in daily life, making statistics important. Many students have difficulty understanding statistics. This study aims to determine students' statistical reasoning about inference statistics, which is limited to the subject matter of the testing hypotheses about two-sample hypotheses testing. This study used descriptive research method. The subjects were 25 students of third-year Mathematics Education Departement at Universitas PGRI Palembang in the academic year 2018/2019. Data were collected through tests and interviews. Data were analyzed through descriptive quantitative. The results of data analysis showed that 32% of students had level 1 statistical reasoning (the lowest level), 20% were at level 2, 28% at level 3, 12% at level 4 and 8% at level 5 (highest level). Based on the result, it can conclude that students' statistical reasoning ability in learning statistical method is not satisfactory, students are still very lacking in reasoning.


    Inference Statistics; Statistical Reasoning; Testing Hypotheses

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    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22342/jpm.14.1.6732.81-90

    Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
    Department of Master Program on Mathematics Education
    Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
    Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
    Kampus FKIP Bukit Besar
    Jl. Srijaya Negara, Bukit Besar
    Palembang - 30139 Indonesia
    email: jpm@unsri.ac.id

    p-ISSN: 1978-0044; e-ISSN: 2549-1040

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