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  • NOVICE AND EXPERIENCED TEACHERS’ PERSPECTIVES: MULTIFACTOR CHALLENGES IN HOTS IMPLEMENTATION | Saraswati | The Journal of English Literacy Education: The Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign Language


    Nais Saraswati


    Teachers face many challenges in implementing HOTS in the classroom. This study aims to explore what challenges may arise when the implementation occurs. Employing a qualitative method, this study collected data by inviting one novice and one experienced EFL teachers teaching in junior high schools from two different regions in South Sumatra province. Participants were interviewed using a semi-structured mode to acquire information about the obstacles they faced when implementing higher order thinking in learning activities. Then, classroom observation and lesson plan documents were used as supporting data. The data was analyzed using the narrative inquiry method. The findings show that the challenges in implementing higher-order thinking are inadequate teaching media, teachers' misconceptions of HOTS, students' low English proficiency, inferior reading literacy level, and appalling learning motivation.


    Challenges; HOTS implementation; Novice and Experienced teachers’ perspectives


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    DOI: https://doi.org/10.36706/jele.v10i2.22591


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