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  • DESIGNING INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL TO PROMOTE INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE: A PRELIMINARY STUDY | Silfia | The Journal of English Literacy Education: The Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign Language


    Dian Indah Silfia


    As one of Sekolah Penggerak pilot schools, SD Negeri 2 Blitaran Nganjuk initiated an English Club program to develop students' intercultural competence as specified in the Pancasila Student Profile (PSP). Taken together, scholars believe that instructional material is among the most significant sources for teaching cultural, social, and moral values to students and for providing language input. The demands of students have not been fully addressed nevertheless, in order to develop instructional material. This study examined the program’s potential to help students develop their intercultural competence, the challenges encountered by teacher and the needs of students in achieving the program goals, and the instructional material required to meet those needs. A qualitative descriptive design was employed in order to gather the information needed from the school principal and teacher. It was discovered that the program can meet the goals if the teacher and students have relevant guidance regarding the goals. However, the book provided does not suit the students’ needs, thus the teacher must provide the students with more reliable references. Moreover, the concept of the natural language acquisition process and differentiation-based instruction are necessary to be included in the instructional material. Hence, further studies with related interests are recommended to develop such instructional material based on the data presented and conduct further exploration of the students’ needs in the wider context.


    English Club; Intercultural Competence; Instructional Material; Pancasila Student Profile; Sekolah Penggerak.


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    DOI: https://doi.org/10.36706/jele.v10i2.22637


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