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    Aloisius Loka Son, Darhim Darhim, Siti Fatimah


    The study aimed to analyze the interaction effect teaching models and cognitive style field dependent (FD)-field independent (FI) to students’ mathematical problem-solving ability (MPSA), as well as students' MPSA differences based on teaching models and cognitive styles. Participants in this study were 145 junior high school students, with details of 50 students learning through the Connect, Organize, Reflect, and Extend Realistic Mathematics Education (CORE RME) model, 49 students use the CORE model, and 46 students use the Conventional model. Data collection tools used are the MPSA test, and the group embedded figure test (GEFT). The MPSA test finds out that there are interaction effect teaching models and cognitive styles on students' MPSA, as well as a significant difference in MPSA students who study through the CORE RME model, CORE model, and Conventional model. Based on cognitive style, between students who study through CORE RME model, CORE model, and Conventional model found that there was no significant difference in MPSA between FI students. Furthermore, there were significant differences in MPSA between FD students and also MPSA of FI students better than MPSA FD students. Therefore, teaching models and student cognitive styles are very important to be considered in the learning process, so students are able to solve mathematical problems.


    Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability; Teaching Models; Field Dependent-Field Independent

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