Ifada Novikasari, Yüksel Dede


Mathematics teachers’ beliefs play an important role in the mathematics teaching practices. However, the instruments used to measure the mathematics on certain contents are still limited. Thus, this study was conducted to develop a Multiplication Beliefs Questionnaire (MBQ) to identify and examine the profile of Turkish pre-service mathematics teachers’ beliefs. The samples of this study consisted of 414 four-year pre-service primary mathematics teachers from 18 different universities in Turkey collected using a convenience sampling technique. The validity of the questionnaire was analyzed using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA). We obtained four components of beliefs in multiplication covering, remote belief in multiplication (C1), multiplication operation belief in mathematics textbooks (C2), dynamic belief in multiplication learning (C3), and self-efficacy belief in multiplication problems (C4). The results showed that the pre-service mathematics teachers’ beliefs in components C1, C3, and C4 were positive, while component C2 was neutral. This study had an essential contribution to the mathematics literature since developing a questionnaire on multiplication distributed to the pre-service teachers. The previous studies showed that belief was subjective yet objectively influenced knowledge. Thus, identifying the pre-service teachers’ beliefs in teacher education may provide various benefits in reforming mathematics teaching.


Beliefs; Beliefs in Multiplication; Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers; Questionnaire Development

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22342/jme.12.3.14440.469-486


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Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education
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