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    Kin Eng Chin, Sai Hoe Fu


    This study presents a single case study of how a remedial mathematics teacher incorporated an instructional intervention into her teaching practices in order to teach counting to a pupil with mathematical learning difficulties. This new theory-driven intervention was developed by the authors of this study. Dyscalculia is a term which refers to a wide range of mathematical learning difficulties or disabilities. Dyscalculic pupils have a specific mathematics learning disorder with a core deficit in representing and processing of numerosity. They might not be able to recognise numerical quantities, performing counting and so on. Early supports such as interventions have a great potential in helping dyscalculic pupils to improve mathematical skills. However, there remains a lack of appropriate instructional scaffolds to help dyscalculic pupils to organise their learning structures by addressing both cognitive deficits and mathematical skills. The present study involves a primary school remedial teacher, Daisy, and an at-risk dyscalculic pupil, David, both pseudonyms. Data were collected through interviews, lesson observations, and reflective journals. The findings revealed that the proposed intervention improved the counting ability of the pupil.


    Reconnecting Learning; Intervention; Learning Disability; Dyscalculia; Mathematical Learning Difficulties

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